By the time I got home from Silver Falls State Park, I had six hours before my out-of-town guests' arrival and the festivities to commence. I showered, ate a big breakfast, apologized for being a family slacker then retreated to my bedroom for a nap. When I woke up and caffeinated I felt good as new! I would be able to party the night away after all.
I couldn't believe I was forty! I kept telling everyone that I was turning FORTY! Everyone misunderstood. They tried to console and reassure me. "Life begins at forty." "My forties have been my best decade yet." What they didn't understand was I wasn't mourning! I am proud as a peacock over the fact that I'm stronger, fitter and faster than ever at forty! Forty is such a powerful number. I feel like it should always be proceeded with an exclamation point. I'm a forty! year-old working multi-sporty momma and I would be going to the prom in just a few hours.
Living in the uber casual granola town of Eugene, it is very rare that I have the opportunity to dress up in formal attire, wear high heels and put some glam in my hair, makeup and jewelry. Here are the before and after shots. I don't even look like the same person!
My sweet husband turned into a blushing teenage boy when he put my corsage on and received his boutonniere. I love this man, my groom of 19 years! We left our children in the care of our trusty sitter, threw the booster seats into the back of the Euro van, swiped the Annie's cheddar bunnies off the seats and piled into our "limo" for the night. Our first stop would be Ambrosia for a pre-prom dinner. When I arrived I was touched beyond belief to see all family and friends in formal attire seated around an intimate circular table under glowing light. I felt honored and terribly spoiled. These wonderful people had gone out of there way for me, little old me. I couldn't stop smiling and laughing. I was with the people that I love. I am so thankful to have each and everyone of them in my life.
Sister, childhood friends, husband... |
My amazing runner-momma-rock-star-friends. How cute are they? |
Sister, witness to 37 of 40 years of my life. |
Wait, there's cake too?! |
Sweetest man in the world |
After dining, drinking and toasting, we made our way to the prom venue, a local dance club. My super running partner friend Laura had transformed an area of the club into a classic prom scene complete with backdrop for prom photos, balloons, sparkly, mylar stars and glitter. This prom night was grander, more fun and sweeter than any prom I could have ever imagined! My high school prom couldn't have ever measured up to this amazing event. We danced the night away, visited, laughed, snapped countless photos and were silly. Nearly a month has passed since this night to remember and I still find myself smiling, feeling warm and fuzzy and sifting through the priceless photos from this event.
Thank you SO much for each and everyone of my family and friends who played a part in my prom-dream. You mean the world to me. I am filled with gratitude. I will never forget this amazing milestone birthday or my first and only prom experience. I love you all.
Now for the pictures of the night to remember.
Prom night at Cowfish! |
Tearing up the dance floor! |
80s prom attendees! |
Adorable, fun couple with some serious dance moves! |
Hey, I ran a half marathon this morning & I'm dancing in heels! |
Fellow runner parents of twins. A force to be reckoned with! |
How cute are they in their retro prom garb? |
I have the coolest friends! |
Coordinating purple prom attire |
Fun was had by all. |
Oldest and dearest friends. |
Loved the melding of old and new friends. Everyone had so much fun!
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