Monday, August 6, 2012

The “D” Word

Has been chasing me, trying to grasp hold of me and pull me down.

I resist.
I run.
I hide.

Not me.
You can’t catch me.

I’ve seen what you drive others to do.
Thief of childhood,
invisible force.

Sudden burst of flame
leaving behind wreckage.
Slow smolder
stealing pieces
til nothing remains.

I resist.
I run.
I hide.

Not me.
You can’t catch me.

plugging ears,
summoning police,

Awkward visits,
uncomfortable silences
prison cells,
treatment facilities,
mental hospitals.

I resist.
I run.
I hide.

Not me.
You can’t catch me.

Bottles of pills,
strewn beer cans,
overflowing ashtrays.
12 steps,
Serenity Prayer

Erratic behaviors
dilated eyes,
red eyes,
wild eyes,
vacant eyes
unrecognizable eyes.

I resist.
I run.
I hide.

Not me.
You can’t catch me.

Good girl.
smart choices,
working hard
keeping busy,
bearing witness.

Hoping to be spared.

1 comment:

  1. breathe in. breathe out. one breath at a time.
